torsdag 7 januari 2010

The beauty and stupidity of Butterflies

The land by the sea
How to dance the Purk
The small things that make you happy, how come that they make you so angry at the same time?

The Queen could watch the butterflies forever. They seemed to have it all. Their colors were so vivid and the beatings of the wings made the Queens heart bounce up and down. She wanted to dance with them forever. Follow them in their flight. She skips, tries to catch up with them, and falls. So many times, she watches them fly by, but she can never be one with them.
The King laughs at the Queens attempts to make friend with the butterflies. "You keep trying to befriend something that never will do as you say, and can never be still. What are you trying to get out of that relationship?"
A smile as bright as the sun itself, the Queen looked into the big and ice-blue eyes of the King. "What I see, is not the same as you. The butterflies instinct is to flee, and to just enjoy the brief day. But sometimes they see me, and they let me be a part of their day. That is all that I ask from them, a brief moment of their lives, and maybe, just maybe, they one day will let me in forever."

You stupid butterflies.

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